Don’t Hurry Back

don't hurry backThis quick TG caption (click the icon to download the PDF) is but the latest in a very long line of son-to-mother transformation tales that I’ve written (for psychological reasons too deep and disturbing to ever analyze). Enjoy!


2 thoughts on “Don’t Hurry Back

  1. The last time mom went away was for 3 months straight I made a big mistake and stayed as mom for 2 1/2 months and it happened I started to bleed so this confirmed a theory I had and about staying mom for to long I could get knocked up if I was not careful and then what would I tell my mom when she got home and found another copy of herself with a baby bump? So then on I started to limit my self to 1 month as mom but what I did not know was my time as mom was cumulative. Oops one of these times with Trevor I might be with baby but will the medallion let me change back or do me and my now twin sister need to have a long talk.

  2. Another great story, thank you so much! How about a story when he is dressed as his mother and the mother returns unexpectedly early and sees herself! Would love to see her reaction and the discussion between the two! Zoe

    Great story and of course the picture! Would love to see a follow up with the mother returning early and no advanced warning, walking in and seeing the son, looking just like her! Zoe

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