You Get What You Need

you get what you needShakespeare once said: “When Envy breeds unkind division: There comes the ruin, there begins confusion” (Henry VI). That about sums up what happens in this story (click the icon to download), where a brother’s overwhelming envy of his sister leads to ruin—thanks to the infamous Medallion of Zulo (which seems always to end up in the hot little hands of some dude who desperately wants to become a woman). I’ve touched on this brother-to-sister theme before; two recent efforts being “My Big Sister” and “Revenge Served Sexy“, although neither involves the sister becoming the brother. But cheer up, there are lots more examples in my archives (links in the sidebar). Enjoy!


6 thoughts on “You Get What You Need

  1. Pingback: Super Girl! | Amanda's Reading Room

  2. I Was gonna leave this story for later, but I got hooked. I kínd of felt sorry at first, but I kind of like it how it turned out. 🙃

      • Oh, I loved the story. I felt a little sorry when “his” plan changed, but still loved how turned out. The suspence, like Anonymous said, makes it great. I wish I could write stories like you do. Have a big hug from me. 🥰

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