Halloween as A Girl

halloween as a girlI know, I know… what’s this twit doing, posting a Halloween caption in June? Well, if Christmas in July is a real thing, then maybe so too Halloween in June. No? Okay, so the idea just came to me and I didn’t want to let it lay around until whenever, so I’m posting it now. I’ll write at least one new spooky Halloweenie caption come the end of October—that’s a promise. Enjoy!

By the way, this is another example where I’ve used an AI-generated picture, suitably face-swapped, in one of my own captions or stories. Unfortunately, I’m not well enough organized to have recorded where I found the original image. So if anyone recognizes the result of one of their prompts fed into an image generator, please do let me know so I can link to their original post.



TG Poster: Halloween as A Girl

6 thoughts on “Halloween as A Girl

  1. Purchased a nurse costume once and wore a wig I had along with full makeup – even though at that time I was horrible at it. We went to a neighborhood bar that I frequented all the time and had more than one male say to me that night, “I am not gay, but I would so do you!” Little did they know that I was en femme under my nurse outfit as well!!! More of the same the years I dressed like Brittany Spears, so many men saying they are straight but would do me if they had the chance. Who wudda thunk that outfits would get that kind of a reaction?!?!?!?!

    • you must have looked sweet for them to say so. I did a nurse once… no one asked for my ministrations (though I did not offer them either). Tempted at all?

  2. Memories memories… It has been over 50 years but I remember my mom suggesting we switch for Halloween. She would wear my old football jersey and pants and would get away with a pair of sneakers. But she felt I should go all the way. Her bra, a girdle (what girl in the 60s would go out without her girdle?) Stocking attached to the girdle tabs, a sleek party dress and a pair of heels. (I can’t believe we once was the same size) To top it off an ugly wig she got once after a bad haircut… a pair of clip-on earrings and a touch of lipstick. Off we went. The neighbors loved it, my mother had a ball (not just my football) and I nearly broke my neck walking in heels… and as the commercial said “my girdle was killing me”. Was this the start of a new adventure? Would not be the last time Mom had me dress up. And little did she know she might have woken a new side of me…. memories

  3. Two older brothers picking up siblings asked “Joanne” for the phone number, to ask her out, which “she” was “too shy” to give out. When informed after the party it was a costume, one still wants the phone number.

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