Guilt-Free Cross-Dressing

guilt-free cross-dressingOkay, so a burglar or some other low-life breaks into a man’s home and, finding a whole pile of women’s clothing there, forces the occupant to dress up and flawlessly disguise himself as a gorgeous woman—that’s pretty original, right? Weeell…? Okay, it isn’t the slightest bit original. That particular idea has been part of the TG fiction scene from the beginning (maybe it’s even a trope); I think it’s popular because it allows a cross-dresser to ‘dress’ without feeling guilty about it. So here it is again (click the icon to download the PDF) in typical Amanda Hawkins fashion, with lots of introspection and humor. And for more stuff in that general vein do check out some of my other work, like “Mission of Beauty” and “Blackmail“. Enjoy!


3 thoughts on “Guilt-Free Cross-Dressing

  1. Pingback: How to Seduce Your Boyfriend | Amanda's Reading Room

  2. Great story! I love when we get a taste of your naughty side;) But I do have a question: are there people who actually feel guilty about crossdressing? Because all I ever feel is excitement and satisfaction!

    Ciao! Elise

    • There are definitely people who are conflicted about it, yes. I’m one of them. It may not be guilt, exactly, but fear (of others’ reaction), embarrassment, and resentment (of the complications it brings) all play a part. Of course, excitement and satisfaction are there as well (in the doing, and in the anticipation). For anyone not in the know: It’s complicated! 🙂

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