Mission of Beauty

mission of beautyHere’s a fine example of that age-old TG trope of the “coerced makeover” (click the icon for the PDF). I’ve written quite a few of these over the years; they’re fun. The most recent ones are: “Mesmerized Bride“, “Can’t Take Much More” and “How to Control Your Man“. Enjoy!

By the way, the accent I try to capture here should not be taken as mocking an immigrant who is simply doing her best to speak a second language. Instead, it’s a way of suggesting aspects of her cultural background that might not be apparent from seeing her hands. For instance, she probably comes from a more patriarchal society and therefore feels that men and women should have more well-defined roles—with females in a subservient position—than is often the case in North America. She might also resent the fact she was never able to marry, which could have led her to seek personal fulfillment in the “mission from God” mentioned herein. And that’s a whole lot of psychology for a mere TG caption!


P.S. This is a wide caption that doesn’t align well with this space, so here’s the JPG for those of you who collect them. Click the above icon for the PDF version.

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