Trusting Souls

trusting soulsI’ve used the concept of the AutoMesmerizer a fair few times over the past couple of years (it is based on alien technology, by the way), simply because it’s so darn handy. Before, if we wanted someone hypnotized, we had to drag in a hypnotist in either a therapeutic or stage-show setting and then describe what happens. But now, just set up the machine and away we go! It’s a major advance, at least when it comes to telling TG stories, but like any powerful tool it can be misused. That’s what happens in this story (click the icon to download the PDF), where two old friends dabble with altering their minds and it leads them to places they could not have imagined. And if you like this story, you might want to check out a couple of other recent works: “My Turn to Be the Girl” and “One of Us“. Enjoy!


3 thoughts on “Trusting Souls

  1. Well I started reading all your stories in late April. Now I am in the middle of 2023. Your grammar and punctuation as always has been superb, which truly makes you a professional. Your art work is above reproach and to be admired. Congratulations on your continual striving for perfection. The story lines are outstanding, too.

  2. Sure wish you would one day visit the surgeon and make the transition into a fully functional female! Zoe

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