Gender Regression Therapy

gender regression therapyWell, this has been a busy week here at the Reading Room, hasn’t it? This latest caption finishes off everything I had that was more or less ready to go by this past weekend; it’s just coincidence that they all happened to be finalized around the same time. Hence, it might be a little while before the next story wends its way through the development pipeline. By the way, I wrote a series of caps a few years ago, all based on variations of the idea that cross-dressers need a lot of psychotherapy, and it would be easy for others to abuse that fact to transform us more thoroughly into women. Like that would be a bad thing! Anyway, the most recent of those was “Behavioral Entrainment Therapy“, and you can follow the links there for others. Enjoy!



TG caption: Gender Regression Therapy

4 thoughts on “Gender Regression Therapy

  1. Pingback: Think Like A Woman | Amanda's Reading Room

  2. Well, this story like the others where a mesmerizer is used; but, it’s too SCI-fi for me. Otherwise it might take years to pull something off similar to this. The writing as always is perfect in punctuation and grammar, so I will just let this story go and look forward to the next one.

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