The Understudy

the understudyAs I promised a month ago, here’s a caption that’s quite tall and narrow, as opposed to the absurdly wide captions I usually post. Yes, it involves yet another son taking the place of his mother, but surely you aren’t getting tired of those, are you? Oh, I see… How unfortunate. Well, I’ll have to see about writing something different for next time. (I have lots of other ideas. Really, I do.) You see, I didn’t actually set out to write another one of these, it just sort of happened. You know how it is. Anyway, enjoy!



TG caption: The Understudy

6 thoughts on “The Understudy

  1. son to mom, son to sister…. I would like to see more bodysuits and less magic – but that’s just me

    • Bodysuits aren’t magic? I know they’re described as a sci-fi techie device, but without any sort of rationale about how they might work they’re really more of a fantasy thing—hence magic. This caption is straight cross-dressing, of course (no magic), and I’ve written enough bodysuit stories to qualify as a semi-expert (for example, “The Ultimatum Redux“).

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